The Ultimate Buyers Guide: Financial Calculators

January 1, 1970

Decisions about money are complicated and emotional - People are looking to you for guidance at life's biggest moments. Are you there with the answers or is a potential customer going to another website to find the answers?

  • How much house can they afford?
  • Should they refinance?
  • Should they buy or lease a car?
  • How much money will they need in retirement?

What if every person that came to your website received a personalized interactive experience to answer their questions?

This dream is a lot closer than you think!

At Chimney, we've reimagined how Banks, Credit Unions, Mortgage Lenders, and Insurance companies provide financial guidance.

We're re-inventing Financial Guidance from the ground up and we're starting with something that hasn't been revisted in 20 years. Until now...Financial Guidance Tools.

So if you want to launch calculators that are beautifully designed, easy to use, and simple for people to understand, where do you start?

We put together this guide to help you evaluate and make the right choice for you.

Part One: Why Do Anything? 

  • Why invest in Financial Guidance?
  • The Business Case (link)
  • ROI Calculator (link)
  • Roundup: Statistics and Quotes (link)
  • When is the time right to invest in Financial Guidance?
  • 5 signs you’ve outgrown your calculators (link)
  • Financial Education (link)
  • Revamping Your Website (link)
  • Who should invest in financial guidance?
  • Banks (solutions page)
  • Credit Unions (solutions page)
  • Mortgage Lenders (solutions page)
  • Insurance Companies (solutions page)

Part Two: What are your options?

Include this article and link to it.

What are the key things to keep in mind? Key things to consider

What are your options?

  • Building your own calculators (link)
  • Dinkytown alternative (link)
  • Leadfusion alternative (link)
  • Fintactix alternative (link)
  • CalcXML alternative (link)
  • Master comparison chart (image)

Part Three: Why do you need to make a change now?

  • Why you can't afford to wait to upgrade your financial calculators - Creating Urgency (need to write)
  • Spending so much money buying leads
  • Conversion rates are struggling
  • Missing targets on digital delivery and account opening
  • Missing out on important data
  • Even if you X,Y,Z

Part Four: How can you get started?

  • Pricing and scope - how easy it is to get started
  • Free trial offer

Other Helpful Info

  • Creative Ways to implement calculators (link) 
  • Sales FAQ

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