You might not realize it, but 90% of banking websites have financial calculators.
The reason? They've become a fixture of the financial customer journey, with over 75% of major financial decisions starting with a search.
The real question is, are they adding any value?
Over 2 million consumers in the U.S search for financial calculators every single day. That’s ¾ of a billion people each year – and growing. Calculators have significant search-demand across most banking products and services. In fact, we’ve found that having at least one calculator for all of your key products will help increase traffic and improve your funnel.
Calculator category# of people searching Google each monthHome lending & mortgages10 millionAuto lending3.5 millionRetirement1.3 millionPersonal banking750 thousandCommercial banking600 thousandGoogle Search Volume across banking categories
Think of this example, two people are looking to buy a home. While one person is looking for a mortgage payment calculator to see their monthly payment, the other searches to see how much house they can afford. Each calculator helps them plan ahead for their home purchase through tailored research research, but they do it in two very different ways. The two calculators individually represent big traffic opportunities, and reach two distinct audiences.
As a bank trying to increase mortgage loan originations, having both of these calculators on your website is a no brainer. In fact, our customers typically see an incremental lift in traffic and conversions from having both on their websites.
Many brands are investing significant amounts of money into content development to grow their SEO programs (and they should). But while content educates at a high-level, calculators provide a level of personalization that content can’t achieve.
Think about someone searching for an auto loan calculator. They are ready to see real life numbers about what they can afford and start to visualize a plan. Our customers typically see a 15% lift in conversions from switching to Chimney calculators, and that’s in large part due to the fact that those visitors have more intent.
Calculator name# of people searching Google each monthHow much home can I afford?246 thousandMortgage payment calculator201 thousandGoogle Search Volume for specific mortgage calculators
Both calculators have over 200,000 people in the U.S. searching each month