Roundup: Stats and Quotes

June 15, 2021

We’ll keep this one simple, here are just a few quotes and statistics to help with your business case…

Financial Advice and Interactive Content

  • 2 million people are searching for financial calculators everyday in the US! (SEO data)
  • According to one study by Outgrow, conversion rates from interactive content are nearly 30% higher than your typical landing pages.
  • 83% of consumers say they are willing to share their information to create a more personalized experience, as per Accenture.
  • In a study by DemandGen, it was revealed that interactive content gains 2x more engagement than written articles.  
  • 66% of marketers say engagement levels increased after introducing interactive content to their marketing plans.
  • 79% of successful marketers say interactive tools and content encourage people to return to their websites.
  • In The Financial Brand’s Digital Banking Report, a survey conducted among financial institutions worldwide, 88% of respondents said improving customer experience and engagement was their most important digital banking transformation strategy.
  • Another eye-opening stat from Kapost found that interactive content generates conversions “moderately” or “very well” 70% of the time, compared to just 36% for passive content.

Financial Calculators: A Great Solution

  • Calculator visitors show 7x more intent than website visitors. That means, they have the ability to generate more applications.
  • People are 3x more likely to provide their contact information when working with a calculator than when downloading a whitepaper or filling out a contact form.
  • 50 million people are searching for calculators every month. 

“A calculator can make a problem easier to understand for a buyer by offering quantitative data like pricing, ROI, savings, etc. — an intervention that goes a long way for buyers who don’t know what to purchase or why one product is better than another.”


Overheard in the Industry 

  • “Striking the right balance between simplicity and accuracy is what separates good financial tools from the bad.” Stephen Wendel, head of behavioral science at investment research firm Morningstar
  • “Most institutions outsource their financial calculators in order to benefit from some of the key features that users expect – a modern user experience, mobile responsiveness, ADA conformance, search engine friendly and use of the latest technology… There’s a reason why agencies often recommend third parties when they offer a product that can speed time to market and meet consumer expectations.” Michelle Brown, ZAG Interactive
  • “Why try to reinvent the wheel when there’s already a capability in the marketplace to immediately begin creating value?” James Robert Lay, Founder and CEO of Digital Growth Institute

>> The Financial Brand said it best:

“Calculator pages will drive valuable inbound traffic to your website from search engines.” 

The State of Digital Banking

>> “Executing basic user-friendly functionality, providing a full range of services and offering easy ways to pay and move money are areas where banks could improve their digital offerings,” said Paul McAdam, senior director, banking intelligence at J.D. Power in a press release. 

Brand Loyalty and Customer Experience

  • “75% of customers expect consistent experiences wherever they engage with a brand: website, social media, etc.” - Salesforce
  • Frequency of interaction builds loyalty and advocacy; people are 5x more likely to buy from a brand they interact with weekly than once a month.
  • “High quality content across the entire customer journey increases customer satisfaction and boosts loyalty.”  - McKinsey & Company 
  • “Consumers viewing a constant message across a variety of channels can improve brand perception by 68%. “ - Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) 
  • “Companies who focus on delivering consistent experiences are worth 20% more than those that aren’t.” - Techipedia 

>>  Better brand experiences drive content and marketing ROI!

Behavioral Targeting Statistics

The Power of Personalization

  • 86% of companies with high ROI reported that personalization made up 21% or more of their marketing budget. 
  • 89% of digital businesses are investing in personalization, as per Forrester.
  • Businesses with a full or partial personalization strategy experienced revenue growth 78% of the time.
  • 93% of businesses with an advanced personalization strategy experienced revenue growth.

Customer Journey and Financial Guidance 

  • Consumers are 131% more likely to buy from a brand immediately after they consume early-stage, educational content.
  • Gartner research shows that a prescriptive approach (which guides customers to information, decisions and options that matter most in the purchase decision) can increase a customer’s purchase ease by 86%
  • Consumers are most likely to turn to their primary financial institution (55%) when seeking resources for financial literacy, followed by online sources (45%), and family and friends (39%).
  • According to The Financial Brand’s Digital Banking Report, 33% of financial institutions globally said that financial education/advice will have the most positive impact on customer experience in 2021. 
  • “The most effective buyer enablement content identifies a key challenge, educates consumers, and offers a clear solution — ideally via a tool like a mortgage calculator… These tools empower buyers, letting people navigate a complex decision without explicitly selling to them.” - Contently
  • “Financial marketers can continue to expect that content is a key way to keep your customers engaged and fortify a sense of trust and brand loyalty.” - Everfi
  • “Banks and insurers can leverage ecosystems to deliver value to consumers in a number of different ways. These ecosystems should aim to respond to critical ‘life moments’ for consumers —for example, when they are buying a home or car, starting a family or retiring.” - Accenture

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